In their Wills, many people overlook the opportunity to give to a charity, foundation, non-profit organization, or other “community” cause that they may have supported in life.
“Community” is something we all value. Being part of “community” can make us feel like part of something bigger than ourselves. “Community” is what we try to give our children through the many activities we encourage them to get involved in throughout their adolescence. We give volunteer hours to build “community”. We support others who are less fortunate in our “community” by giving to charitable or non-profit organizations.
When we die, our role in “community” can truly live on. Giving money in a Will to your “community” is a way of ensuring that it will live and “thrive” on. We know that tight government money won’t necessarily be there. Even a small amount to a typically under-funded organization can give it the opportunity to do great things.
By giving in your Will, your money and your memory will live on in untold many positive ways. Here is a small example of Northern-based organizations that you may wish to support: (By the way, I encourage clients and visitors to this page to contact me if they wish to have others added)
United Way
Food First Foundation (Pan territorial)
Children First Society (Inuvik)
Ecology North (Yellowknife/Pan territorial)
Food Rescue (Yellowknife)
Inuvik Community Garden Society
Inuvik Food Bank
Fort Smith Ecumenical Group/Soup Kitchen
Yellowknife Association for Community Living
Northern Youth Leadership (Pan Territorial)
Mildred Hall School’s Traditional Mentorship Program
Hay River Soup Kitchen
YK Cares (Yellowknife)
Girl Guides of Canada – Yellowknife
Yellowknife Scouts
MS Society of Canada – Yellowknife
St. Jon Ambulance (Pan Territorial)
CNIB (Pan Territorial)
Hay River Seniors’ Society
Foster Family Coalition of the NWT
YWCA (Yellowknife)
NWT Breast Health/ Breast Cancer Action Group